Jay M. Prager

notbad Solutions

Engineering and Corporate Management

Problem Solving

Product Development

Patent Drafting and Prior Art Search

Litigation Support and Expert Witness


I’m adept, creative, articulate, energetic, inquisitive...I have outstanding writing and communication skills...I love to solve problems and make things work...

BSEE, City College of NY    MSEE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Expertise in design and development of innovative, cost-effective, quality products...analog, digital, embedded software, product packaging and ergonomics...design for operation in difficult environments...design for low power...special expertise in electronic power conversion...

45 years of experience in engineering, engineering management, corporate executive leadership and governance; development of complex industrial and commercial electronic products; intellectual property and licensing; patent drafting; commercial and IP litigation and corporate legal matters

14 years on private and public company boards of directors...

20 years negotiating and drafting complex contracts and licenses...

36 issued U.S. Patents plus additional foreign patents...others pending

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Motor Controller Prototype


Programmable Controller

and I-O System

High Density Packaged Power Systems